
At IVA, we take pride in offering a diverse range of high-quality services to meet the unique needs of our valued customers. Our expert team is dedicated to delivering exceptional results and exceeding your expectations. Below are the key services we provide:

IVA Property Development & Artisan

Our artisan services were established to address the common frustrations that clients face when dealing directly with artisans in the construction industry.

IVA Record Label & Studio

Our primary focus is on creating exceptional music and fostering and promoting talented musicians on a global scale.


We offers comprehensive services to meet all your needs in the areas of art, graphic design, software development.

At IVA Modeling Agency

Our diverse roster of models includes both males and females across the globe. We pride ourselves in representing a wide range of talent to meet the needs of our clients.

The IVA Book Writing Academy

The IVA Book Writing Academy offers a valuable resource for aspiring authors seeking to enhance their literary or non-literary works in the most efficient manner.

IVA Photography Academy & Studio

We ensure that every photo meets the desired aesthetic and communicates your intended message effectively. Trust IVA Photography Academy & Studio for all your photography needs.

IVA Film Academy & Studio

Enroll today and unleash your inner Spielberg! While it is an excellent idea to hold your talk shows and, or, debates in our studio, let us work together to bring your vision to life on the big screen.